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Monday, December 24, 2007
Billa the Don
It is a remake of old Rajini movie Billa. The director was so careful that he should meet the expectation. So he changed the location to Malaysia and rich environment. Though some characters from old billa are missing, it doesnt ve any impact to the speed. The red diary has been changed into pen drive. I feel whether a layman understands what a pen drive is. I guess they might ve had some contract with a goggle company. All the characters in the movie wears goggles almost the whole movie. It looks odd especially when the billa and criminals wear the goggles when they are shifted to jail.
Ajith also worked hard but he is missing the style of Rajini :) He has taken risk in the arrow bridge fight scene. He has some punch dialouges like 'avan aruthala nan ore thala'. Some timing jokes also there like 'It looks odd to stand here with full suit but i am not talking about you'. I think the director could ve used this dialouge for wearing goggles also :)
Two heroines Namitha and Nayanthara are waste. Not much importance. They are just used to expose their figures. Since they are trying to reach hollywood standards, their costumes are also like that. I wondered how did Nayandara walk with such a pointed heels.
Prabhu and another police officer ve done their job well. Rahman's character doesnt have much impact since everybody who has seen billa knows his character very well.
Cinematography is good.
Totally Billa has come out as a hitech person :)
I would like to visit malaysia especially to see that pathumalai murugan temple and arrow bridge :)
Arudhra Darshanam
After marriage, my mother in law said they ve the custom of fasting and I ve to follow that. So I started that. We ve to get up early in the morning and eat rice with karamani (a kind of lentil) curry and then take bath before sunrise. Then fast till we finish the pooja in the night. We ve to prepare a feast with 7 kind of vegetables, 7 athirasams, 7 dosas and Thiruvadirai special KALI (paste of mashed flour). This we ve to offer god and do the pooja. The husband should eat that prasada. After husband finishes his food we should ve our food on the same plantain leaf. Next day early morning we should go to a Nataraja temple and ve Arudhra darshan.
This year, I was bit confused with the dates. In some books it was given as that the Darshan is on 23 rd decemeber and in some books it was given as 24th. So i went to a nearby temple to clear my doubts and asked the priest about the date. He has confirmed me that it was on 23rd. So I did fasting on 22nd and went to the temple on 23 morning for darshan. Again I had the same doubt because I couldnt see Nataraja in the swing at the entrance. So once again I asked him about it. He said they dont ve the Nataraja idol but I can ve the darshan at the Linga. So i did so. But I wanted to go to some other temple to see Nataraja. So again I went to a Nataraja temple which is little far away from my home. But to my dismay, there also I couldnt see Him on the swing at the entrance. When I enquired there, they said it would be on the next day :(
I ve consoled myself that whenever it is, if we offer the prayer whole heartedly The God will definitly accept it :)
Courtesy :
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Bannerghatta road on the eve of Bakrid
The cattle were tied on the foot path near and opposite to the masjid. The foot path is made into a temporary stable with shades for cows and sheep. Since it is raining continuously for two days, the excretions of the cattle mixed with rain water and make that area like a hell.
Monday, December 10, 2007
My flight experiences
My dream came true in the beginning of this year. My cousin wanted to go to Hyderabad to meet his friend and asked were we interested to accompany him. Since we hadnt been to any city in Andhra except Thirupathi said yes to him.
That time I ve seen an ad from airdeccan for low cost flight. So searched for the fare and we were lucky to get Rs 2 tickets + taxes. It costs around Rs 10000 for all the four of us, me, my husband, my son and my cousin for a round trip.
Excited about my first flying experience we had been to airport. Since my cousin had flied many times officially he knows the airport formalities and taught me also. Got the boarding pass, checked in luggages and had some cabin baggages. Waited on the launch for the call for us to boarding. We got a call for boarding and got into the bus towards the plane. I was little disappointed at the size of the flight, it was very small. Atlast stepped into the flight and got a window seat :)
The airhostess was giving instructions and the flight took off. I was trying to locate some landmarks from flight and could identify only ISKCON. It was not flying so high so we could see roads and land down below. When the captain announced that we were flying above puttaparthy and i could see the runway of puttaparthy airport. Soon we reached Hyderabad. The long awaited trip came to an end. But I felt there was no difference between the travel by a volvo bus and a flight except for the flight. If we just and sit and close our eyes it is similar to bus travel. The return journey was in the night and couldnt see anything.
The second trip was to Delhi in October. I went to Delhi in last october with my mom and son. My husband couldnt come that time. I wanted to visit kulu and manali that time itself but couldnt go. So this time we planned to go there. Even my aunts wanted to come with us. Our actual plan was going by train. But since my grandma was not well they withdrew from the trip. We were in a dilemma whether to go or not. That time spicejet had announced Rs 999 ticket to Delhi. So planned to go by spicejet this time and booked the tickets. The airfare was nearly doubled that of Hyderabad.
This time only we three of us, my cousin didnt come with us. With the previous experience we finished all the formalities and boarded. This time the flight was boeing i thing. Since it was night flight we couldnt see anything outside. But return flight was in the afternoon and was very nice. While returning it was delayed by an hour. The captain told we were flying 40000 feet above sea level. We were flying above the clouds. I could see clouds only everywhere. It was so amazing. I just wished that i could jump out of the plane and walk on the clouds :) (my husband said he would have been happy if i had done that)
The third flight experience was unexpected one. Last monday one of my aunts had visited us in bangalore. It was around 2 30 in the afternoon we had the news that my grandmother had passed away. Aunt started crying a lot and we couldnt console her. So my cousin asked me to take her to Madurai by flight. It was around 3 o clock. I searched for the flight online and luckily we got a flight at 5 10 Booked the tickets online and rushed to the airport. We reached there by 4 15 and we had one hour to take off. For my aunt it was the first time. She had forgot her grief and immersed in the new environment. We waited and i was searching for our flight on the display. It showed it was delayed by an hour. I was worrying about my aunt whether she would start crying again but she had controlled herself. Atlast around 6 05 we got the call for boarding. Finally the flight took off around 6 30 and we reached madurai at 7 30.
God has fulfilled my dream in this year three times. :) so far I had only domesting flight experiences. I am looking forward for a international flight experience. Hope that will also come true soon :)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
End of an Era
She may not be a great personality but she was a brave and bold woman. She might ve born with curses i think. She suffered a lot in her life time. I wonder whether she had lived life for herself ever. Lost her mother when she was around 5 i think. Then her father remarried. Her step mother was not good. The only good thing she did was given a younger brother to her (my dad). She lost her father also when she was around 9. They all became orphans. She was with her grandparents and doing errands at their home didnt get much education. Got married at around 16.
That must be her happy days in life I think. She had given birth to 10 children. My mother is the eldest. She had managed to maintain that huge family with the small income of my grandfather. She was having cows at home to raise fund for the family. Imagine to run a family with ten children and a mother in law. They managed to buy 2 houses and a site with that income.
She had a married life may be for 20 years. There was a sudden death of my grandfather in an accident. That time only my mother and one aunt got married. Uncles and aunts were studying. Nobody was settled. Uncle got the job of my grandpa but that money was very little to run the family.
She managed to get two of her daughters and two sons married. She started constructing a house on the site also. Then one by one she got all her daughters married. She managed to run the family with the rent and with the help of cows.
She suffered a lot in the last three months both with cardiac and renal failure. So much of pain. She had good timing sense. Even when she was in the hospital she used to crack joke according to the situation. Aunts those were with her, would be gloomy for sometime and burst out into laughter at her jokes. The staff of the hospital were wondering were they mad. Even just two days before her death, one of my aunts asked her to try to stand on her own, for that she had answered that even she wanted to run and dance but her body was not cooperating with her.
Till her last moment she didnt expect money from anybody. Even for her last journey, she had asked my uncle to take care of it and given money to him.
Imagine getting married 5 daugters and taking care of their deliveries, constructing a house. Struggled all her life time as a single lady without much education. Isn't she great?
I pray for her soul to rest in peace.
Good Bye Grandma :`(
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
My Childhood with parents

He was having a Java Bike. That was his favourite. Kodaikanal is 60 km from Palani. He loved to go to kodaikanal in his bike. I couldnot forget one adventurous trip on his bike to vaigai dam with my brothers. I was in 5th std that time. One fine morning mom packed some food for us and me with my brothers started with dad to vaigai dam. Since the seat is not enough for the four, one had to seat in the carrier on shift. It was nearly 120 km. We enjoyed the time there by playing. While returning it was dark I was so scared to sit at the carrier. I was so afraid of dark. I closed my eyes tightly and sat there praying :)
When I was in 5th std I told my dad that I didnt want to continue my studies in that school and wanted to girls high school because I was scared of a sister who used to pinch on stomach of late comers. I was sure I would be the late comer to school and strongly believed that I would be placed on her class :)
So I changed my school for sixth. My sixth teacher is a hindi pandit and she was taking hindi classes privately, So i joined in her class and learned little hindi. When I was in 7th std my dad expanded his business in madurai and he moved to madurai. We were in palani, he was shunting between palani and madurai. So he decided to move the family to Madurai. So started living with grandparents fulltime.
After school and during school holidays I would be there in my grandma's house. All my uncles and mom's cousins used to tease me a lot as they are called as 'murai mamas'. I tried to answer all of them but at some point I would start crying. They wouldnt stop teasing me even then. I was a good time pass for them. They enjoyed teasing me. When my dad was there, that place would be full of joy and laughter. He had kept a nick name for each one of his nephews and nieces and teased them with that. So they did tit for tat with me. I told them crying that I would bring my father to take care of them. But I had never stopped my visits to their home :)
I joined a new school for 8th std and continued my studies till +2. Teen age was the most difficult phase. So much of restrictions at home. I had to be confined to home. But I compare myself with my friend who was my neighbour and console myself that i was luckier than her. She was stopped her studies by 8th std itself and not allowed to go out of house. She was allowed to come out twice to in the clean the door step once in the morning and once in the evening. I pitied her so much.
There was some function in my grandma's house when i was in IX std. My mom's sisters wanted to take a pic of themselves together. As adamant I argued with them that they should include me also in their group. They refused me so got wild and ran crying to my dad telling that they had refused me to include me in the group so i didnt want them to use our camera for the snap. Then he consoled me and asked them to add me also with them. As my aunts are fatherless and my dad was maternal uncle to them, he used to buy gifts for them but being possessive I didnt like it and I quarreled with them to give back that to me. So I was somewhat like a terrorist to them. But I made them miss me at home in my absence and won their heart during my college days. They wondered that there was a tremendous change in my attitude. An autograph had a major role in change of my attitude.
I was in girls guide when i was in X std. I had participated in world tamil conference procession. Then when in XI was participated the diamond jublee celebrarions of guide and scouts. Meanwhile my dad was learning new technology in his field. Colour film processing and he taught me also. So i was helping him in colour printing. My dad wished to make me as doctor but i was so scared of dead bodies and darkness. So i refused to do so. Then we both come to a compromise that if i get marks above 400 I ve to study science group in +2 otherwise I would join polytecnic. When we had been to recieve marks card for Xth I asked my classmate who was class first and what was the mark. she told some name and it was around 389. So i told my dad mine would be less than that but to my surprise i was the class first and got above 400. So joined science group.
I did all my schoolings in Tamil medium. So I ve the inferiority complex when see the English medium students. That made me to continue my +2 also in Tamil medium. I passed out that with 72% so I could not study medicine to fulfil my dad's wish :(
I had two close friends in +2. One was Vijaya kumari and another one was ponniyin selvi. We three go together everywhere. After +2 Viji was doing nursing and ponni was at home. I had chance to meet them only once after my school. I dont know where they are now :(
My uncle is the another imp person. He came to work with my father at a young age and my dad got him married to my aunt. So he has become a member of our family. He is showing so much gratitude towards my dad and he loves us his children. I enjoyed the holidays at their home. He used to get books from library for me to read. I read books during day times and we would go for movie in the evenings. I happened to read novels of Ramanichandran that time and ve become fan of her novels. Still now I am die hard fan of her and I ve good collections of her novels.
I happened to meet some relatives for first time when i was in XIth. They are my dad's uncle family in coimbatore. So I ve visited them with my brothers in XIth holidays and become close with them.
My dad had started a new business in Palani so again he had shifted to Palani with my sisters and mom and I with my brothers continued our studies in Madurai since we were facing the board exams. So that time only my grandma allowed me to wear my uniform skirts and shoes from home, otherwise I had to wear half saree from home and carry the skirts, shirt and shoes to school and change there. I was fed up of that. Finally i was relieved of that :)
We joined our parents after that year and started my college life in Palani.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
My Childhood with grand parents

I cant finish this episode without telling about my great grandmother, my mom's paternal grandmother. She was very intelligent though not educated. She judged people correctly. She imitates, mimics and criticize peoples. It is very difficult to get good name from her. But somehow i got that from her, 'Vashistar vayal brahmmarishi' :)